Telegram Casual Bot



Help group: @kingcasualbotayuda

GitHub Repo


The bot can continue to work thanks to donations from people who help from Patreon .

If you make a donation you can make the groups of which you are the creator become premium for a certain time.

Honor Ball

Honor Ball

Zeldabalca, Tina Arroyo, ChampPs, LucasOnrubia and Ochomas

Ultra Ball

Ultra Ball

SurbitonTolworthPoGo and jillo71

Documentation for users

1. Events

The main functionality available in groups and channels is an event list which can be requested with the command /events or writing event list .

A notification is also sent when an event begins or ends.

Event channels:

2. Commands

Casual Bot will answer to some phrases such as:

  1. info eggs / raids / research tasks / shiny [Link eggs] | [Link raids] | [Link research tasks] | [Link shiny] : info about eggs, raids, research tasks or shiny.
    Example: info eggs .
  2. i want to cry to niantic [Link] : instructions on how to complain to Niantic if you've lost a premium pass or similar.
  3. when is the legendary hour : shows when legendary hours usually occur.

The commands that have a link can be put in a message so that if someone clicks it, they will send the information by private message.

3. Bots commands

3.1. 🐱 @detectivepikachubot

  1. link to Pikachu map [Link] : sends a link to the community map.
  2. link to raid map : sends a link to the community map centered on your group area showing the heat map and active announces or raids (if you log in with Telegram).

    If you've chat and raids splitted you can use the command /setraidid followed by the id of the raid group so that the link works properly.
  3. how do i register with Pikachu [Link] : instructions for registering.
  4. how to create a raid [Link] : instructions for creating an announce or raid.
  5. instructions to invite with pikachu [Link] : instructions to invite to a raid.
  6. find trainer with pikachu [Link] : instructions to find a trainer.

The commands that have a link can be put in a message so that if someone clicks it, they will send the information by private message.

4. PVP/PVE commands

  1. /casualdex Pokémon (pve) : info about a Pokémon.

    The parameters in brackets are optional.

    • pve: show moves stats for PVE.
    Brackets do not have to be included. casualdex
  2. /raidcounters Pokémon (shadows) (text) : best counters for a raid Pokémon.

    The parameters in brackets are optional.

    • shadows: include shadow Pokémon.
    • text: returns the text version.
    Brackets do not have to be included. raidcounters
  3. /breakpoints Pokémon(+move) (IVa) (level) (friendship level) (weather) (mega bonus) (raid tier) : breakpoints calculator.

    The parameters in brackets are optional.

    • move: Pokémon move.
    • IVa: Attack IV.
      Format: iv# (where # is a number between 0 and 15).
    • level: level to be taken into account in the calculations.
      Format: level# (where # is a number between 1 and 51).
    • friendship level: number of hearts you have with the Pokémon.
      Format: *# (where # is a number between 1 and 4).
    • weather: take into account bonus for weather boosted.
    • mega bonus: take into account mega boost.
      Format: megab# (where # is a number between 1 and 2).
    • raid tier: tier raid to show details of. If omitted, tier 5 and Mega are displayed.
      Format: tier? (where ? is 1, 3, 5 or mega).
    Brackets do not have to be included. breakpoints
  4. /pokemoncodes Pokémon [league (basic) (min IV) (friendship)] : codes to filter a Pokémon.

    The parameters in square brackets are optional and are used to obtain a code for PVP. If you want to get this code you need to include the league (the rest of the parameters are optional).

    • league: great, ultra or master.
    • basic: include if you want the code for the first evolutionary phase.
    • min IV: combination of minimum IVs to be taken into account in the calculations (example: 0/0/0). Format: min# (where # is a number between 0 and 14).
    • friendship: do the calculations up to level 51 instead of 50.
    Square brackets and brackets do not have to be included. pokemoncodes
  5. /pokemonpvp Pokémon (league) (IVa/IVd/IVhp) (min IV) (min level) (friendship) (extra) : PVP-related info about a Pokémon.

    The parameters in brackets are optional.

    • league: great, ultra or master.
    • IVa/IVd/IVhp: combination of IVs to be checked.
    • min IV: combination of minimum IVs to be taken into account in the calculations (example: 0/0/0). Format: min# (where # is a number between 0 and 14).
    • min level: minimum level to be taken into account in the calculations. Format: level# (where # is a number between 1 and 51).
    • friendship: do the calculations up to level 51 instead of 50.
    • extra: shows more information.
    Brackets do not have to be included. pokemonpvp
  6. /moveinfo move : detailed info of a move.

    • move: Pokémon move.
  7. /elitefast and /elitecharged : list of fast and charged moves that are only available using elite TM. These commands are only available by private message .
  8. /gbleagues and /silphleagues : information about GO Battle League and Silph leagues.
  9. /silphranking : ranking mejores Pokémon de la copa actual de .

5. Inline mode

Telegram offers a mode called inline which allows bots to be able to send certain messages from any chat if a conversation has been started with them.

Once you've started a conversation with the bot, in order to be able to use this mode write in a chat @KingCasualBot followed by the command and its parameters.

In the case of the Casual Bot the commands cmden , casualdexen , raidcountersen , breakpointsen , pkmnpvpen and moveinfoen are available for use with this mode.

If you put after one of the phrases of the commands it allows you to send it.


@KingCasualBot cmden how to create a raid

casualdexen , raidcountersen , breakpointsen and pkmnpvpen
The commands are slightly different from the PVP/PVE commands in order to support multiple languages.

The parameters of these commands are the same as in their normal version with the addition that if you want to indicate an alternative form it's done by putting ?form .


@KingCasualBot pkmnpvpen Giratina ?origin

pokemonpvp inline mode

Documentation for admins

1. Settings

To access the bot's settings put the command /settings@KingCasualBot .

1.1. Enable or disable the bot

Allows you to enable or disable the bot. When disabled, the following remains active:

  • Commands only available to administrators.
  • Anti Spam
  • Press button to talk
  • Welcome message

1.2. General settings

1.2.1. Commands

To enable or disable the commands option.

1.2.2. Bots commands

To individually enable or disable the bots commands .

1.2.3. PVP/PVE commands

To enable or disable the PVP/PVE commands option.

1.2.4. Delete common messages

If this option is activated, Casual Bot will delete messages such as "someone else join", "if more people go I'll join", "I'm about to join", etc.

1.2.5. Delete friend codes

With this option messages containing friend codes will be deleted. Screenshots are included (except for oddly cropped ones).

You can put a message when Casual Bot deletes a friend code using the command /fctextcasual followed by the message you want to put .

To delete the message put /fctextcasual - .

To get the current message use the command /getfctextcasual .

1.2.6. Anti Spam

Casual Bot will delete spam messages and ban the member who sent the message.

1.2.7. Press button to talk

With this option when a new member enters the group he/she will have to answer a question by pressing a button. The message has a delay of 1 second so that in the case of having another bot with a welcome message, it's displayed first.

If you've a welcome message configured with another bot and you want to use this option, it's better to configure the welcome message with Casual Bot as it would only show it if the new member presses the correct button.

press button to talk

1.3. Events

If you've not activated the events, it'll ask you to activate it. After doing this (or if you already had them enabled), you can enable or disable the command /events , the daily notification (at 8:50 am) with the event list or notifications when an event begins or ends.

To be able to modify these settings the group must have at least 11 members.

1.4. News

Allows messages sent across different news channels to be forwarded to the group.

To be able to modify these settings the group must have at least 16 members.

1.5. Timers

Allow some messages to be deleted after the specified time.

1.6. Nightly notifications

It allows to configure the behavior of some messages that are sent from 1:00 to 7:59.

✅: send with sound
🔇: send without sound
❌: don't send

1.7. Time zone

Allows you to change the group's time zone. This is used to receive notifications of events and alerts at the correct time.

1.8. Language

Allows you to change the language of the bot.

2. Buttons

Buttons can be included in alerts , message when deleting a friend code and welcome message .

You also can use the command /casualbuttons so that the bot returns a message with buttons.


"Button text" = ""

To put more than one button in the same row, put a comma. Example:

"Text 1" = "", "Text 2" = ""


"Button text" = ""

3. Alerts

You can send messages periodically. There is a limit of 10 alerts and they're configured with the command /alertcasual .

Command example:

/alertcasual 1 2019/10/14-12 3 10-18 Alert text


1: alert number (can be a number between 1 and 10)

2019/10/14-12: reference date with the format: year/month/day-hour

3: frequency in hours with which the alert is repeated

10-18: time period in which the alert is sent

3.1. Pin an alert

If you want Casual Bot to pin the alert it sends you can use the parameters pinnotify (notifies group members) or pin .

Example: /alertcasual 1 2019/10/14-12 3 10-18 pinnotify Alert text .

3.2. Get an alert

If you've an alert and want to edit it you can get the content of the alert (what you put with the command /alertcasual ). To do this use the command /getalert followed by the alert number. Example: /getalert 1

If you want to see all the group's alerts write /getalert all .

3.3. Delete an alert

To remove an alert, write the command /alertcasual followed by the alert number and then -. Example: /alertcasual 1 - .

4.1 Image in alerts [PREMIUM]

Instructions for adding an image to an alert:

  1. Send an image to the group.
  2. Quote the image and put the following command: /alertimagecasual #

Instructions for deleting an image from an alert:

  1. Write: /alertimagecasual # -

In both cases # refers to the alert number.

4. Welcome message

To add a welcome message use the command /welcomecasual followed by the welcome message .

Example: /welcomecasual Hello casual .

To delete the welcome message put /welcomecasual - .

To check the current welcome message put /getwelcomecasual .

4.1 Image in welcome message [PREMIUM]

Instructions for adding a welcome image:

  1. Send an image to the group.
  2. Quote the image and put the following command: /welcomeimagecasual

Instructions for deleting a welcome image:

  1. Write: /welcomeimagecasual -

5. HTML tags in messages

HTML tags can be added in alerts , message when deleting a friend code , welcome message and with the command /casualbotones .


  • Bold: <b>text</b>
  • Italics: <i>text</i>
  • Underline: <u>text</u>
  • Strikethrough: <s>text</s>
  • Monospace: <code>text</code>

6. Text substitution in messages

Text substitution can be done in message when deleting a friend code and welcome message .


  • New member's name: {user_name} .
  • New member's id: {user_id} .
  • New member's name and id: {user_name_id} .
  • Group name: {chat_title} .

7. Topics

Telegram allows you to configure a group in topics separating the conversations in different sections.

Replies to messages sent by members of a group are sent to the same topic from which the member sent the message.

For a bot to be able to send messages to a closed topic, it must be an admin with the "Manage topics" permission.

7.1 Set forwarding topic (events and news)

The messages forwarded by the bot from channels (events and news) do not have a origin topic and therefore you have to decide which topic to forward these messages to. By default they are sent to the general topic.

To set a different topic to forward messages to, put the following command in the topic you want to use: /setfwtopiccasual

To delete the the forwarding topic put in any topic /setfwtopiccasual - .

7.2 Set friend codes topic

If you have activated the delete friend codes, a topic can be set in which these types of messages are not deleted.

To set a topic for friend codes, put the following command in the topic you want to use: /setfctopiccasual

To delete the the friend codes topic put in any topic /setfctopiccasual - .

Premium groups

If you make a donation from Patreon you can make the groups of which you are the creator become premium for a certain time.

Advantages of premium groups:

  • Extra priority when receiving events and news.
  • Be able to activate events and news in groups with few members.
  • 25 alerts can be configured instead of 10.
  • An image can be set in the welcome message.

Tables with info

Below are some tables with additional info about the bot.

1. Features

✅: available
❌: not available
? : disabled by default
+XX👨‍👩‍👧‍👦: only groups with +XX members

Feature Private Groups
Event command ?
Daily notification (events) ?
Notification of event started/finished ?
Commands ?
PVP/PVE commands ?
News ?
Delete common messages ?
Delete friend codes ?
Anti Spam ?
Press button to talk ?
Welcome message

2. Required permissions

If the group has slow mode activated, it's highly recommended that you add the bot as an admin so that time restrictions are not applied when sending messages.

Feature Permissions
Event command Delete messages (recommended)
Daily notification (events) -
Notification of event started/finished -
Commands -
PVP/PVE commands Delete messages (recommended)
Settings Delete messages (recommended)
News -
Alerts -
Pin alerts Pin messages
Delete common messages Delete messages
Delete friend codes Delete messages
Anti Spam Delete messages, ban users
Press button to talk Delete messages (recommended), ban users
Welcome message -
Topic closed Manage topics


1. How do I avoid spam?

The bot has 2 options to avoid spam:

The first one is used to ban accounts that are already in the group and send a message that the bot considers as spam.

The second one is to prevent spamming accounts from staying in the group. In real-life use cases this option is the most effective since the anti spam filter may not be triggered.

Usage Policy

Only users or groups who follow Niantic Terms of Service can use the bot.

If these conditions are breached, the user or group could be banned from being able to use the bot (usually permanently).